Week 2: Marco Polo

Sept. 13, 2010:  Diversity is any kind of variety that makes our world a better place.  

It takes courage to bridge the gap between two different groups of people.  For example, you have your circle of friends, others have theirs.  Sometimes there are differences in language, culture, or even attitude that make friendship difficult among people.  But can you imagine how much courage it would take to bridge two entire civilizations that didn’t even know each other? 

Today we celebrate the courage of Marco Polo, who was born this week in the year 1254.  Marco Polo spent 24 years on a journey from Italy to China and back, at a time when Europeans and Asians knew very little of each other.  His contribution to world history is important because he taught the Chinese about life in the West.  He taught Europeans about life in the East. 

Remember, you don’t have to travel as far as Italy or China to find diversity.  There are hundreds of opportunities to celebrate diversity right in your own school.  Find one today!