January 10, 2010: Diversity is any kind of variety that makes our world a better place.
Last year, the magazine New Science conducted a poll to determine who was the most inspirational woman in science. The results weren’t even close—the winner was Marie Curie, by a large margin. Actually, Curie has been an inspiration to all scientists, both male and female.
During this week in 1902, Curie isolated the radioactive element called Radium. She received a Nobel prize in physics for this work, becoming the first woman to receive the award. Then eight years later, she won a second Nobel prize—for her work in a different field, chemistry.
But even after winning these awards, it’s interesting to note that the prestigious French Academy of Sciences refused to elect her as a member because she was a woman. There are barriers for women in science still, and the world needs more Marie Curie’s. Girls, are you up to the challenge?
Remember, you don’t have to travel as far as Paris, France or Warsaw, Poland to find diversity. There are hundreds of opportunities to celebrate diversity right here at your own school. Find one today!