Week 7: the Guggenheim Museum

October 18, 2010:  Diversity is any kind of variety that makes our world a better place. 

What shape comes to mind when you think of a museum building?  One of the most famous museums in the United States is shaped like a cupcake.  This week we celebrate the opening of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City,  51 years ago.  

Many experts consider Frank Lloyd Wright the greatest American architect of all time, and the Guggenheim Museum is one of his most recognized works.  Dramatically casting aside the familiar system of floors and rooms, Wright designed the Guggenheim as a continuous, spiraling display space that moves up a circular building.  Though some critics complained at the time about its design, today the Guggenheim is considered a masterpiece.

Remember, you don’t have to travel as far as New York City to find diversity.  There are hundreds of opportunities to celebrate diversity right in your own school.  Find one today!