October 25, 2010: Diversity is any kind of variety that makes our world a better place.
As students you will often be required to complete group projects. On this week in 1886, the United States and France unveiled a group project that took over 10 years to complete: the Statue of Liberty.
We think of the Statue of Liberty as a gift from France—and indeed the statue was. However, the United States was responsible for constructing the pedestal, or base. This wasn’t as easy it sounds. Initially planners tried to raise the needed funds from wealthy donors, but that didn’t work. Then they lobbied Congress and the state of New York to pitch in, but they refused. Work stopped. It was only when a New York newspaper launched an all out fund raising campaign that appealed to the entire diversity of New Yorkers that enough funding was secured. In fact, 80% of the money raised came from people who could only afford to donate one dollar or less.