Diversity is any kind of variety that makes our world a better place.
We all know that water flows from rivers into the oceans, right? Well nature always seems to have a way of surprising us. In a few places around the world, there are times in the year when water flows backwards from the ocean up a river. The phenomenon is called a tidal bore, and one of the most spectacular tidal bores is occurring right now in Brazil, at the mouth of the Amazon river. Waves reaching up to 12 feet high have been known to flow as far as 7 miles upstream.
The Amazon River is amazing for many other reasons. It contains more water than the next ten largest rivers combined. And ten percent of all known species in the world live in the Amazon Basin Rain Forest. An ecosystem that enormous has a huge impact on the environmental health of the world. It’s no wonder that there are so many organizations large and small who are trying to preserve the diversity of life in the Amazon rain forests.
Remember, you don’t have to travel as far as the Amazon River to find diversity. There are hundreds of opportunities to celebrate diversity right here at your own school. Find one today!