Week 24: The Sahara Desert

Diversity is any kind of variety that makes our world a better place.  

There is no recorded memory of snow ever falling in the Sahara Desert—except for on one occasion, this week in 1979.  The snow storm occurred in Southern Algeria although the snow disappeared within hours. 

Believe it or not, there was a time during the Stone Age when the Sahara was wet, green, and habitable.  Scientists know this because they have uncovered a massive burial ground with the skeletal remains of humans and hundreds of animals including antelopes, giraffes, hippos, turtles, and clams.  The Earth is diverse at any given time, but we can learn from the Sahara Desert that it is also diverse across time as well—things can and will change. 

Remember that this is also true for people as well.  When you appreciate diversity among the people around you, you are also appreciating the fact that people can and do change. 

Remember, you don’t have to travel as far as the Sahara Desert to find diversity.  There are hundreds of opportunities to celebrate diversity right here at your own school.  Find one today!